
Customer Testimonials

Don’t just take it from us, see what our customers have to say, in their own words

“Rich is amazing! He knows the cars and genuinely cares about his clients. I really felt that he had my best interest at heart.”

— Olga B. YELP
San Francisco, CA

“Incredible service! Very knowledgable 
and professional.”

— Steven L. YELP
Belvedere, CA

“Rich… did all the legwork, had it delivered to my office, and walked me through the paperwork. Awesome.”

— Alan R. YELP
San Rafael, CA

“My new car was delivered to my door, by someone I knew and trusted, without ever having to step inside a car dealership.”

— Janis A. YELP
San Rafael, CA

“From now on, this is the ONLY way I buy cars!
Rich is absolutely amazing…”

— Noam L. YELP
Sunnyvale, CA